Radiology: Clinical Cases Uncovered Price $38.53 (Amazon) by Ashley Shaw, Edmund Godfrey, Abhinav Singh, Tarik Massoud From choosing the relevant investigation through to interpretation and its effects…
Renal: An Integrated Approach to Disease Price $51.15 (Amazon) An innovative, organ-specific text that blends basic science with the fundamentals of clinical medicine Part…
Kinetic Control: The Management of Uncontrolled Movement Mark Comerford B.Phty MCSP MAPA (Author), Sarah Mottram MSC MMACP (Author) This text is designed as…
Health Services: Policy and Systems for Therapists (3rd Edition) Robert Sandstrom (Author), Helene Lohman MA OTR/L (Author), James D. Bramble Ph.D. (Author) This…
Comprehensive Gynecology: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 6e Gretchen M Lentz MD (Author), Rogerio A. Lobo MD (Author), David M Gershenson MD (Author), Vern L. Katz MD (Author) Comprehensive…
Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient, 3rd Edition Ian Loftus (Author) This new edition of the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP)…
Ruppel’s Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 10e – Original PDF Carl Mottram BA RRT RPFT FAARC (Author) Covering common pulmonary function tests and techniques,Ruppel’s…
Calculation Skills for Nurses (Student Survival Skills) Claire Boyd (Author) Providing nursing students with words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses,…
Staged Diabetes Management, 3rd Edition Roger Mazze (Author), Richard M. Bergenstal (Author), Robert Cuddihy (Author), Ellie S. Strock (Author), Amy Criego (Author), Oded Langer…
Structural Heart Disease Interventions John D. Carroll MD (Editor), John G. Webb MD FACC (Editor) Structural heart disease (SHD) is a significant source…
The Pharmacy Technician: Foundations and Practices (2nd Edition) Mike Johnston (Author) The Pharmacy Technician: Foundations and Practices, 2e, addresses today’s comprehensive educational needs…
Caring for the Seriously Ill Patient 2E Michael Macintosh (Editor), Tracey Moore (Editor) As more critically ill patients are cared for on acute general wards rather…
Miller’s Anesthesia Review: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 2e Lorraine Sdrales MD (Author), Ronald D. Miller MD (Author) Prepare yourself for the Anesthesia Board exams…
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Clinical Radiology: The Essentials, 4th Edition – High Quality PDF Dr. Richard H. Daffner M.D. F.A.C.R. (Author), Dr. Matthew Hartman M.D. (Author) Written in…
EMQs for MRCOG Part 2: A Self-Assessment Guide Kalaivani Ramalingam (Author), Latha Palanivelu (Author), Jeremy Brockelsby (Author), Christian Phillips (Author) This book provides…
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A Short Course in Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition-Original PDF C. Edward Collins (Author) Master the medical terminology you need for your future career…
Essential Angioplasty E. von Schmilowski (Author), R. H. Swanton (Author) A vast choice of techniques and technology confronts today’s interventional cardiologists, and those…
Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience (9th Edition) Neil R. Carlson (Author) Helps apply the research findings of behavioral neuroscience to daily life. The ninth…
Paraneoplastic Syndromes (Contemporary Neurology Series) Robert B. Darnell (Author), Jerome B. Posner (Author) Paraneoplastic syndromes, defined in this book as “disorders caused by…