Flexible Bronchoscopy, 3e Ko-Pen Wang (Editor), Atul C. Mehta (Editor), J. Francis Turner Jr.(Editor) With the development of new instruments and the refining of new techniques, flexible…
Lung Cancer (Oxford American Oncology Library) Apar Kishor Ganti (Editor), David E. Gerber (Editor) Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related…
Diagnosis of Breast Diseases This atlas provides radiologists with essential information for the differential diagnosis of breast diseases on the basis of clinical presentation,…
A Practical Guide to Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion & Topical Products Rebecca Small A Practical Guide to Chemical Peels Microdermabrasion and Topical Products This…
Imaging in Endocrinology Paolo Pozzilli (Author), Andrea Lenzi (Author), Bart L. Clarke (Author), William F. Young Jr. (Author) Imaging in Endocrinology will provide…
Infection Control and Safety Mark Zelman Ph.D. (Author), Carrie Milne-Zelman (Author) This engaging and accessible text introduces the modern principles and practice of…
Essentials of Gastroenterology Shanthi Sitaraman (Author), Lawrence S. Friedman (Author) Highly practical and concise, this hands-on guide focuses on specific common clinical scenarios.…
Crash Course General Medicine, 4e Oliver Leach BSc Med. Sci (Hons) MBChB MRCP (Author),Gijsbert Isaac van Boxel BSc (Hons) PhD BMBCh MRCS(Author) Crash Course…
Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating, 4e Rhea Paul PhD CCC-SLP (Author), Courtenay Norbury PhD (Author) Language…
Handbook of Obesity, Fourth Edition – Volume 1: Epidemiology, Etiology, and Physiopathology, Third Edition George A. Bray (Editor), Claude Bouchard (Editor) In recent years, we’ve developed a…
Handbook of Obesity – Volume 2: Clinical Applications, Fourth Edition George Bray (Author), George A Bray (Editor), Claude Bouchard(Editor) Several major developments have occurred since the last…
Ham’s Primary Care Geriatrics: A Case-Based Approach (Expert Consult: Online and Print), 6e Richard J. Ham MD (Author), Philip D. Sloane MD MPH (Author), Gregg A. Warshaw MD (Author), Jane…
Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract – 2 Volume Set: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 7e Charles J. Yeo MD (Author), Jeffrey B. Matthews MD (Author), David…
Valvular Heart Disease: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 4e Catherine M. Otto MD FACC FAHA (Author), Robert O. Bonow…
Ward’s Anaesthetic Equipment, 6e (Original PDF) Andrew J Davey LRCP & SI FRCA (Editor), Ali Diba BM FRCA (Editor) First prize winner, Anesthesia Book Category, British…
Churchill’s Pocketbook of Surgery, 4th Andrew T. Raftery BSc MBChB(Hons) MD FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Ed) (Author), Michael S. Delbridge MB ChB(Hons) MD FRCS (Vascular)(Author), Marcus J. D. Wagstaff BSc(Hons)…
Critical Care Manual of Clinical Procedures and Competencies – Original PDF Jane Mallett (Editor), John Albarran (Editor), Annette Richardson (Editor) This manual is aimed at all healthcare practitioners, from…
Evidence-Based Clinical Reasoning in Medicine Thomas Brown (Author), Sonali J. Shah (Author) Medicine is still largely taught as an apprenticeship. Not until recently…
A Guided Approach to Intermediate and Advanced Coding Lame Jennifer , Glenna Young Guided Approach to Intermediate and Advanced Coding is a one-of-a-kind book that moves…
Case Studies in Neurological Pain Claudia Sommer (Author), Douglas W. Zochodne (Author) Pain is one of the most common symptoms of neurological disease and its appropriate management is…
Essential Cardiac Catheterization Mark Gunning (Author), Rob Butler (Author), James Nolan (Author) The development of cardiac catheterization has proved to be a very…
Emergency Medicine: The Principles of Practice, 6e-Original PDF Gordian W. O. Fulde MB BS FRCS(Edin) FRACS FRCS(A&E) FACEM (Author), Sascha Fulde (Author) The…
Biological and Chemical Terrorism: A Guide for Healthcare Providers and First Responders 1st edition Would you recognize the signs of a biological or chemical…
Controversies in Pediatric Neurosurgery In Controversies in Pediatric Neurosurgery, leading clinicians from around the globe present concrete advice and frank commentary on alternative options for…
Controversies in Spine Surgery This is exactly the book one should have ready access to.– American Journal of Neuroradiology All providers who care for patients…
Medical Biochemistry: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 4e John Baynes PhD (Author), Marek H. Dominiczak MD Dr Hab Med FRCPath FRCP (Glas) (Author) Brought to you…