Human cytomegalovirus decreases constitutive transcription of MHC class II genes in mature Langerhans cells by reducing CIITA transcript levels Human cytomegalovirus decreases constitutive transcription…
Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States Featuring brilliant art, engaging new case studies, and dynamic new teaching and learning resources, this 9th edition…
Netter’s Neurology, 2nd edition – ORIGINAL PDF Price $74.70 (Amazon) by H. Royden Jones, Jr. Jr., Jayashri Srinivasan, Gregory J. Allam, Richard A. Baker,…
Fundamental Immunology, Seventh Edition (7th edition) William E. Paul (Author) Fundamental Immunology Seventh Edition This standard-setting textbook has defined the field of immunology since 1984, and is…
Cancer and its Management 6th edition Publication Date: February 1, 2010 ISBN-10: 1405170158 ISBN-13: 9781405170154 Edition: 6 Now in its sixth edition, this highly-regarded book is designed as…
A History of Modern Immunology: The Path Toward Understanding Publication Date: November 29, 2013 ISBN-10: 0124169740 ISBN-13: 9780124169746 Edition: 1 A History of Modern Immunology: A Path Toward…
Stem cell bioprocessing For cellular therapy, diagnostics and drug development Publication Date: December 26, 2013 ISBN-10: 1907568883 ISBN-13: 9781907568886 Edition: 1 Stem cell bioprocessing describes the main large-scale…
Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 6th Kathryn L. McCance (Editor), Sue E. Huether (Editor) Well-known for its authoritative and comprehensive coverage, complete…
Chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles as carriers of 5-Fluorouracil: Preparation, characterization and cytotoxicity studies Chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles as carriers of 5-Fluorouracil: Preparation, characterization and cytotoxicity studies…
F. C. Odds, Candida and Candidosis, A Review and Bibliography (Second Edition). X + 468 S., 97 Abb., 92 Tab. u. 22 Farbtafeln. London—Philadelphia—Toronto—Sydney—Tokyo…
Identification of Candida species in the clinical laboratory: a review of conventional, commercial, and molecular techniques Identification of Candida species in the clinical laboratory:…
Generation of tumor-targeted human T lymphocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells for cancer therapy Generation of tumor-targeted human T lymphocytes from induced pluripotent stem…
Vaccinia‐Based Reporter Gene Cell‐Fusion Assays to Quantitate Functional Interactions of HIV Envelope Glycoprotein with Receptors Vaccinia‐Based Reporter Gene Cell‐Fusion Assays to Quantitate Functional Interactions…
Nonhuman Primate Models for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development Nonhuman Primate Models for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development Nonhuman Primate Models for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development ABSTRACT The…
Immunophenotyping of T Cell Subpopulations in HIV Disease Immunophenotyping of T Cell Subpopulations in HIV Disease Immunophenotyping of T Cell Subpopulations in HIV Disease…
Evaluating Neutralizing Antibodies Against HIV, SIV, and SHIV in Luciferase Reporter Gene Assays Evaluating Neutralizing Antibodies Against HIV, SIV, and SHIV in Luciferase Reporter…
In Vitro Evaluation of Experimental Agents for Anti‐HIV Activity In Vitro Evaluation of Experimental Agents for Anti‐HIV Activity In Vitro Evaluation of Experimental Agents…
Regulation of the HIV Promoter/Enhancer Regulation of the HIV Promoter/Enhancer Regulation of the HIV Promoter/Enhancer ABSTRACT This unit describes adaptations of two molecular…
Culture of HIV in Monocytes and Macrophages Culture of HIV in Monocytes and Macrophages Culture of HIV in Monocytes and Macrophages ABSTRACT Monocytes…
Infection of CD4+ Primary T Cells and Cell Lines, Generation of Chronically Infected Cell Lines, and Induction of HIV Expression Infection of CD4+ Primary…
Isolation and Quantitation of HIV in Peripheral Blood Isolation and Quantitation of HIV in Peripheral Blood Isolation and Quantitation of HIV in Peripheral Blood…
General Guidelines for Experimenting with HIV General Guidelines for Experimenting with HIV General Guidelines for Experimenting with HIV ABSTRACT Performing experiments using human…
Immunophenotypic Analysis of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Immunophenotypic Analysis of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Immunophenotypic Analysis of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes ABSTRACT This unit on basic…